The Animal Called Mosquito!

Mosquitoes are minor hovering flies. The female mosquitoes have long and penetrating mouthpiece, with which they pierce the human skin to masticate their blood.  There are some mosquito bites that are harmless, but others carry diseases. Only the female mosquito bite people. The blood serves as a source of protein for their eggs. Male mosquitoes do not consume blood.

Mosquito bite poses a substantial health hazard, with mosquito-borne diseases causing millions of deaths a year worldwide. Malaria is one of the commonly known diseases caused by mosquito.

Nevertheless, a person can take precautionary measures to keep them at bay.

The symptoms of a mosquito bite occur soon after being bitten. The rounded red bump with a dot in the middle usually comes with an itching feeling.

Other signs mosquito bites

v Dark spots that resemble bruising

v Swelling or redness

v Small blisters in place of hard bumps

v Multiple bumps are also common.

These indicate that mosquito penetrated the skin in more than one location or more than an insect bit the person. 

People with weakened immune system can experience extra symptoms, such as rashes, swollen glands, and low-grade fever.

The symptom becomes less severe with additional bites, because the body slowly adapts to the bites.


  1. Truly, mosquito bites has a dangerous effect on humans...

  2. Yes very dangerious on human skin


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